7 FEATURES of Nippon Genetics
Ever since Nippon Genetics Co., Ltd. was founded, in aims of supporting our customers’ research activities from various angles, we have been expanding our business in several directions, organizing infrastructures, and establishing internal business divisions. These engagements can be encapsulated as the 7 features of Nippon Genetics Co., Ltd.
Specializing in the life science research field, the core of our business is to suggest and distribute the best-suited products for our customers’ needs.

We may not be the fire, but we could provide the kindling.
Our teams are appropriately structured to offer proper support and to suggest/provide products best suited for our customers’ research. Tapping into our pool of resources we hold as a specialized trading company, we provide products made available by diverse suppliers, whilst actively collecting research information and data ourselves. Since our company was founded, we hold dear the belief that true contribution comes not only from simply supplying goods, but from keeping our eyes open and nurturing knowledge, selecting ideal products for our customers’ research, and offering suggestions which will exceed our customers’ expectations. It may seem trivial, but we believe this contribution will ultimately lead to the growth of the life science research field and energize this country’s international momentum.
We own and maintain an in-house lab, allowing us to send our products out into the world with confidence and responsibility.

Confidence is our virtue.
In order to promote our products to customers with confidence and responsibility, we regularly perform tests and collect data at our in-house lab. Probability through repetition, data acquisition precision, etc. Our expert staffs are performing daily checks and inspections from each angle we can comprehend, which is the foundation of the certainty seen in our product suggestions towards our customers.

Taking it personally.
We receive a fair load of feedbacks from our customers. The contents range from positive, pat-on-the-back comments to occasional you-could-do-better suggestions. Once these suggestions come in, we rush to our lab to attempt to reproduce the issue the customer had stumbled upon, perform inspections, target the cause, and provide a response to our customers in a timely manner.
Valuable research data provided by our customers are compiled into digests we call Application Notes and are made available for various use cases.
Pay it forward.
Providing quality products goes without saying, but we consider the act of proposing fresh ideas and solutions just as significant. On such occasions, Application Notes may play a role as being inspirational fountains and/or guide models for similar research. New possibilities and innovative solutions are constantly born from priceless research data provided by customers.
Research hall of fame.
With great gratitude, we are proud to state that we are constantly receiving diverse data and research results from our customers. We make it our duty to organize, archive, and digitally publish these provided knowledge, so that one concluded research may become a seed that will one day blossom into another new research. To be able to effectively contribute to further development of the life science research field, we take the greatest care in managing and deploying these Application Notes.
Too good not to share.
Application Notes, once completed, are then translated and shared with distributors from around the globe. With global perspective, we believe if our customers’ invaluable knowledges are put to good use world-wide, research activities will flourish in the life science field, and as a whole, will prosper our future.
Regardless of it being our product or our competitors’,
we perform strict, unprejudiced tests under acute conditions, collecting trustworthy research data.

Give data a chance to speak for themselves.
Apart from Application Notes which are generated from information and research results provided by customers, we are also publishing Tech Notes: digests of experiment results done in our in-house lab, with conditions cranked up a few notches. Regardless of it being our product or our competitor’s, we perform strict, unprejudiced tests, collecting trustworthy research data. By performing sufficient and detailed assessments to validate product performance, our products and suggestions come hand-in-hand with our confidence and assurance.
We not only distribute products, but also operate as a manufacturer, actively engaging in product developments.

Experience is the father of wisdom (and our brand).
It all started from one little request from our customer. Amid daily consultations and discussions with customers, once in a while, there comes a time when a customer would require a solution which no manufacturer could offer. Each time such occasions arose, we engaged in product development in hopes of providing the customer with original solutions which will fulfil their requirements. This led to a good number of original products joining our catalog, and as of today, we hold our heads up high as a manufacturer carrying an original brand of products.

From scratch to dispatch.
We conduct and supervise the full process, from concept modeling to product design, to production management. It is our obligation as a trading company to dedicate ourselves in delivering customer-expected quality, and therefore multiple experiments and inspections are carried out to achieve an end product capable of generating high-precision research results. Also, with collaborations with university research facilities and with the research team at our subsidiary in Germany in the picture, we are designing and manufacturing products from different angles and perspectives, coming up with the next best thing in the life science research field.

We know what it is, but know not what it may be.
There was once a request from our customer which no existing product could achieve the desired performance, leading to a development of an original product. Through thorough functional designing and total dedication towards user-friendliness and data extraction efficiency, a new product was developed and manufactured despite uncertain risk/reward ratio, and much to our delight, was blessed with tremendous demand. Currently, the product is being used by a wide range of customers and researchers, and our inbox is filled with positive feedbacks.
No matter where in the country, to be able to service our customers’ needs in a timely manner,
we have an established network of sales teams and local dealers.

We got it covered.
With our head office in Tokyo as our home base, solid communication and information sharing between employees at each station are made possible using advanced technology, allowing us to maintain adequate sales activity frameworks and logistic networks. Each area not only consists of sales reps but are complimented with more than competent sales assistants, making us capable of promptly responding to inquiries from customers no matter where they are.

Corporate cooperation.
With the cooperation of local dealers, over 700 sales bases are set up around the country, enabling us to deliver our products to customers and researchers in all locations. Infrastructure systems are managed in our head office in Tokyo and our warehouses in Saitama and Kanagawa are the hearts of our logistic operations. Each facility conducts their designated roles to the fullest, dedicated in bringing you our products and services with responsibility.
Our departments and teams are efficiently organized to be able to smoothly distribute our products,
as well as to provide support for our customers and their research from various angles.
MARKETING SALES DEPARTMENTResponsible for a wide range of specific duties, from collaborating with manufacturers on building product marketing strategies to performing evaluation tests at our in-house lab, offering prompt support to customers with technical inquiries, and even publishing Application Notes and other technical documents.
MARKETING COMMUNICATION TEAMPublishing neighborly, clean-cut brochures and web media, delivering latest info and updates to customers around the country. We're all ears when customers give us feedbacks, reflecting the input to our own research so to further develop and improve our products.
SALES DEPARTMENTTo be able to support customers country-wide, each region is administered a sales rep. In charge of customer consultations, responding to customer inquiries needing immediate attention, collecting and providing information and products beneficial to customers' research. Visits customers regularly, hoping to support customers as research partners.
IT TEAMManages and regulates digital infrastructures to keep up with the constant progress of the life science field. The team oversees a wide domain, including but not limited to, the management of inventory and logistics, archiving of mass research information and data, and securing/protecting confidential information.